Sales Coaching Guides

Everything You Need to Know to Coach Like a Pro

The majority of sales leaders are high-performing salespeople who have been promoted to their position. This practice generally leaves a gap in coaching knowledge. This series of five eBooks was created to help sales leaders establish strong coaching programs with a solid understanding of how and why coaching works along with best practices and case studies to help leaders become elite sales coaches.

Created in conjunction with Sales Hacker.

Sales Hacker
Part 1: The Coaching Mindset

Part 1: The Coaching Mindset

In this first installment of the “Everything You Need to Know to Coach Like A Pro” eBooks, you’ll learn how to get into the proper coaching mindset. The most effective lever you can pull in the quest for better performance is that of role perception and acceptance. When everyone understands their role, it drives rewards and ultimately engagement. This guide shares both the drivers that lead to success and the traps to avoid.

Part 2: Using Data to Inspire Commitment

Part 2: Using Data to Inspire Commitment

This second installment in the “Everything You Need to Know to Coach Like A Pro” series of eBooks, covers Using Data to Inspire Commitment. You should never ambush a rep with data. Data should be inspirational and instructional, not punitive. This guide teaches you how to be a segment-driven coach, to create lift in your entire team and how to be relevant to every single rep by using data to inspire commitment.

Part 3: The Prioritization Process

Part 3: The Prioritization Process

The Prioritization Process is the focus of Guide 3 of the “Everything You Need to Know to Coach Like A Pro” series. Modelling success is the key to prioritization, through targeting activities, and competencies, and predicting impact. This guide will give you an understanding of these three facets, making prioritization a breeze and ensuring that you are focusing on the right things at the right time.

Part 4: The Right Way to Set Goals

Part 4: The Right Coaching Goals

Guide 4 of the “Everything You Need to Know to Coach Like A Pro” series is all about setting goals. It gives advice on the proper venue and timing, as well as concrete examples of how to find the areas of improvement that can make the most difference in a rep’s performance. This guide details all four goal types: skill, activity, velocity and pipeline balance and explains how to set and track goals in each.

Part 5: Following Up

Part 5: The Rhythm of Success

The biggest lesson in Guide 5 of the “Everything You Need to Know to Coach Like A Pro” series of coaching guides is that Fortune is found in the follow up. The foundation of a good coaching program is in turning coaching conversations into commitments on goals. This guide is full of information on how often to coach and how to structure a world-class coaching session. It goes into detail on the coachability quadrants and explains how to use that model to become more effective as a coach and more predictive as a manager.

Parts 1–5: All Coaching Guides

Parts 1–5: All Coaching Guides

This is a compilation of all the previous entries in the “Everything You Need to Know to Coach Like A Pro” series. At 57 pages, it is a comprehensive exploration of the philosophy and practical application of Sales Coaching. The compilation goes into detail on who, what and when to coach and gives tactics and strategies for implementing a successful coaching program.

See Coaching in Action!

We will show you how sales coaching can be your greatest competative advantage!