10 Ways to Save Time in Your Day-to-Day Activities

By Steve Jensen

Don’t multitask

Multitasking has come full circle. Once considered a useful skill, it has been shown to be a deterrent to productivity and it actually hurts productivity. In fact, a Stanford study shows multitasking actually lowers your IQ. The American Psychological Foundation found data that says the more complex your tasks become, the more time you lose when you switch back and forth.

Focusing on the task at hand is difficult. Interruptions, noises, and things that catch and divert our attention keep us from being effective. Make sure your work area is free from distractions. Work on one task at a time, finish it and then move on. Take a break every so often. Stepping away from your task for a moment will help you keep your focus sharp.

Make it routine
Having a set routine eliminates hesitation and helps ensure that your efforts are spent in a productive way. You know exactly when you will be working on each task and you will get into a rhythm that will keep you moving in the right direction.

Dedicate time for planning
Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Well-planned activities eliminate wasted time and ensure that time spent is used in the most productive way. Plan your coaching sessions and your pipeline reviews so you cover everything you need to discuss.

Spend 80% of your time on execution and 20% on planning 
The 80/20 rule applies here. Sufficient planning will ensure you stay on topic, stay focused and that you won’t waste time on non-essential activities.

Use tools designed for the job
The right tool makes all the difference. Whether it’s call recording software or a CRM or a management platform like Xvoyant, tools help you be more productive and effective. Tasks are much simpler, faster and the results are more precise.

Schedule Time for Email and Social Media
If you let the arrival of each email distract you, you will never get anything done. Set aside a few moments at the beginning or end of the day to check your email or your social media accounts.

Don’t Stress Over Unimportant Details
If something doesn’t have a big impact on your business, don’t stress about it. Perfectionism can be a big time-waster. Decide ahead-of-time what you will worry about and what you won’t and then stick to your decision. No one is perfect and it’s pointless trying to make it so.

Limit Meetings
Meetings are time killers. And very few accomplish much. Keep your meetings to a minimum. If you have questions, ask them in-person.

Take Advantage of Technology
Older methods of management, like spreadsheets, slow you down. There are tech products available that are faster and more precise. Xvoyant, for instance, is a complete sales management system with scheduling, scorecards, coaching suggestions, coachability indices and more to help your 1 on 1’s be as productive as possible. Take advantage of the solutions in the tech management stack to maximize your time.


Steve Jensen is VP of Marketing at Xvoyant

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